Our commitment to our stakeholders and the community
Autoleague's unwavering commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles guides our actions to sustainable practices, social responsibility, and ethical governance.

We recognise the urgent need to address the impact of our business on the environment. We partner with Carbonhalo, to take proactive steps to reduce our carbon emissions and minimise our impact on the planet.

View our verified emissions reductions certificates here.

Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and inclusion are fundamental pillars of a thriving and successful community. By recognising and celebrating unique qualities, experiences and perspectives individuals offer, we foster an environment where all people are valued, respected, and provided equal opportunities to grow, thrive, and contribute.
Modern Slavery

Although widespread violation of human rights exists across the world, the risk of modern slavery in Autoleague’s Australian operations is considered low. Autoleague’s corporate policies encourage ethical behaviour and promote compliance with legislation such as the Modern Slavery Act. These policies, with the support from well-structured business systems, ensure that Autoleague prevents modern forms of slavery within our business.